July 2016 Update

Good afternoon Secretaries,


As time is moving on, just a quick reminder of cut off dates and information since our last newsletter;

If you already have nominated a team manager for senior nationals can you please let me have their email address or contact details, and pass this email on to them for the information below:

1.         Affiliation Fees are due 1 August 2015, the amount due is $300.00, see details for payment in our May newsletter.

2.         Assessments and Entries for Senior Nationals close on 31 August 2015.  If assessments are being held in the last week of August, please send in the entry form early, subject to passing.

3.         Senior Nationals Trophies are to be returned engraved and in a clean condition. Please package so not to incur damage in transit and sent to:   Haley Small,  87 Clouston Park Road, Upper Hutt 5018 Wellington, prior to  31 August 2015.

4.         Please do not forget that clubs are able to sponsor medals $10 per medal (couples dance section $80.00, Best Dressed sections $60.00). Forms are on the Assn Website

5.         Senior Nationals Early bird tickets need to be ordered and paid to Kapi Mana by 31 July 2015.

6.         Members requiring Motor home space at the nearby school to contact Kapi Mana as soon as possible

7.         If you have Judges in your club – (including trainees) please remind them that the Combined Judges workshop date is set for 9 July 2016, and they should book their flights and forward a reimbursement form to the Association Treasurer.

Many thanks and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries.



Jan Morgan


New Zealand Amateur Rock’n’Roll Assn.


Posted: Mon 20 Jul 2015
