Club List
Please note: We require permission in writing from clubs before being able to publish more contact information.
If your club wants additional or altered contact information posted here then please contact the Association Secretary
Clubs requiring a full hard copy list please email the webmaster
Bush Rock'n'Roll Club
In recess
Cambridge Cruisers Rock'n'Roll Club
16 Baxter Michael Crescent, Cambridge 3434
President - Jim Berry
027 520 7171
Secretary - Kathy Johnson
021 054 8597
President - Robin Sutton
027 258 8905
Secretary - Ann O'Donoghue
027 324 8447
City of Sails Rock'n'Roll Revival Club Inc.
PO Box 82-242,
President - Linda McAllister
027 4377 409
Secretary - Kristina Barnett
027 2939 206
Drifters Rock’n’Roll Club
President: Justin Budgen
027 392 5272
Secretary: Neva Zainey
President: Margaret Cameron
021 114 7528
Secretary: Tom Naylor
027 224 8461
Gold Coast (NZ) Rock’n’Roll Club Inc
18 Warrimoo Street, ParaparaumuPresident: Irene Bignall
021 058 1084
Secretary: Carol McCaffrey
021 024 65713
Harbour City Rock’n’Roll Club
c/-46 Lyndfield Lane, Newlands, Wellington 6037
President: Paula McLaughlan
021 467958
Secretary: Yolanda van Dorrestein
027 284 5998
President: Paula Devonshire
027 415 1790
Secretary: Glen Bullivant
Hutt Valley Rock’n’Roll Society
President: Jarred Rumbold
Secretary: Sarah Morgan
027 4587 410
Invercargill Rock’n’Roll Club
Secretary: Lauren Hayes
Kaiapoi Rock’n’Roll Club
President: Neil Hawker
027 5321 191
Secretary: Raelene Vis
021 1095 671
Kapi Mana Rock’n’Roll Revival Club
96 Sutherland Road, Melrose, Wellington 6023
President: Maurice Flitter
021 0834 4351
Secretary: Barry O'Donnell (Acting)
027 2424 817
L&P Rockers
8043 Statehighway 26, Hikutaia, RD4 Paeroa 3674
President: Jeff Alley
021 0274 7265
Secretary: Jane Beard
021 181 8310
New Plymouth Rock’n’Roll Club
President: Nigel Wilding
021 286 6771
Secretary: Suzanne Riddick
021 234 7477
Ramblers Rock’n’Roll Club
President: Terry Neil
022 199 2558
021 0273 9615
(04) 970 8925 Email
River Rockers Whanganui
PO Box 4252, Wanganui 4541
President: Donna Burns
(06) 343 9554
Secretary: Shona Matthews and Stephen Poynter
Secretary: Haley Strickland
027 3353 155
President: Jeff Jones
027 249 7190
027 404 1505Club Email
President: Christina Lee
Secretary: Robert Innes
Surf City Rock’n’Roll Club
Secretary: Wendy Cossgrove
(06) 867 2533
Tauranga Rock’n’Roll Club
President: Malcolm Mazur
027 311 6080
Secretary: Clara Whitcombe
Timaru Rock’n’Roll Club
98 Douglas Street, Timaru
President: Scott Campbell
Secretary: Sharon Morrison
Top of The South Rock'n'Roll Club
President: Erin Evans
027 234 1709
021 433 488
Wellington Rock’n’Roll Revival Club
President: Richard Reder
027 209 9616
Secretary: Barbara Hanrahan
027 440 0904
Whakatane Rock’n’Roll Club
PO Box 635 , Whakatane 3158
President: Robbie Rackham
027 3124 170
Secretary: Trish Morris
027 4891 271
Whangarei Rock’n’Roll Club
PO Box 1654 , Whangarei 0140
President: Philip Coe
021 713 661
Secretary: Susan Peachey
021 0260 7180